I am looking to build all my collections
Currently I am focused on getting parts to complete my Millennium Falcon and AT-AT
- Star Wars 1979 (Production #39110) Millennium Falcon Parts: Vertical Cannon Support Seat; Cockpit Canopy Plastic Windshield; Lightsaber Training Set
- Empire Strikes Back 1981 (Production #38810) AT-AT (Imperial) All Terrain Armored Transport Parts: Side Gun (x1)
I would also like to find these accessories for my incomplete figures
- Empire Strikes Back 1982 Third Wave (Production #70030) Pilot Blaster for the Imperial TIE Fighter Pilot
- Return of the Jedi 1983 First Wave (Production #70650) Grey Palace Blaster, Green Lightsaber and Blue Lightsaber for Luke Skywalker (Jedi Knight Outfit)
- Return of the Jedi 1983 First Wave (Production #70800) Blaster Staff for Ree-Yees
- Return of the Jedi 1984 Second Wave (Production #71190) The Emperor’s Cane for The Emperor (a.k.a. Darth Sidious, Galactic Emperor Palpatine)
- Star Wars Large 1978/1979 (Production #38610) Darth Vader’s Red Lightsaber for Large Size 12″ Darth Vader
I am also looking to add more Star Wars Figures and Playsets to my Collection.
Click HERE to see my full list of Star Wars items I am in search of.